What is Reiki?
The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese characters: Rei, meaning universal and Ki, meaning life force energy. It is this universal life force energy that flows through all of us to maintain health on all levels (mind, body and spirit), it flows through all living things, it is the source of all life. Various factors effect our flow of Ki (also known as Chi, Prana or vital force) and when it is at a low ebb we are more susceptible to illness, stress or depression. However when the Ki is flowing strongly and with ease the healthier, happy and more fulfilled we are. The Reiki practitioner learns their art through a series of trainings andattunements.
What happens during a treatment?

Reiki is a gentle hands on healing treatment, with the recipient being fully clothed and either seated or lying down. During the treatment the Reiki practitioner acts as a channel so that intensified Ki flows from their hands to the recipient. the intensified Ki works by beginning to clear any stagnation of life force energy (KI) which in turn enables the person's own healing process to be set in motion. A lack of flow may be on a physical. emotional, mental or spiritual level, in a Reiki treatment all os these aspects are covered so that they are balanced and re-energised in a non-intrusive way.
What is a Reiki Attunement?
This is the process by which the Reiki Master/Teacher passes on the ability to channel the Reiki energy. Attunement is usually given during instruction in the various techniques involved in practising Reiki. Reiki is most often taught in three levels designated 1, 2 and 3 with 3 being the Master level.In level one you are taught basic techniques for hands on treatment of yourself and others. You also receive four attunements to enable you to become a clearer channel for the life force energy that is source to flow through you so to give healing.In level two you learn the techniques for remote or distant healing and receive three attunements for using Reiki symbols to activate specific functions for healing on any level, spiritual, emotional or physical and for increasing the connection and effect of Reiki.Level three adds to your spiritual or intuitive healing energy and gives you the ability to attune and teach others to use Reiki for the highest good of all.
What is a Reiki Attunement?
This is the process by which the Reiki Master/Teacher passes on the ability to channel the Reiki energy. Attunement is usually given during instruction in the various techniques involved in practising Reiki. Reiki is most often taught in three levels designated 1, 2 and 3 with 3 being the Master level.In level one you are taught basic techniques for hands on treatment of yourself and others. You also receive four attunements to enable you to become a clearer channel for the life force energy that is source to flow through you so to give healing.In level two you learn the techniques for remote or distant healing and receive three attunements for using Reiki symbols to activate specific functions for healing on any level, spiritual, emotional or physical and for increasing the connection and effect of Reiki.Level three adds to your spiritual or intuitive healing energy and gives you the ability to attune and teach others to use Reiki for the highest good of all.
A Brief History of Reiki
Reiki has it’s origin in ancient Sanskrit sutras which were practiced by Tibetan monks over 2,500 years ago. Reiki was re-discovered by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s and the following is the essence of how he came to discover it again.Dr Usui studied Kiko (the Japanese version of Qi Gong) at a young age whilst at a Tendai Buddhist temple on sacred Mt. Kurama. When one is using the kiko method of healing, one is prone to depletion as it can draw on personal energy as well as universal life force energy. Dr Usui wondered if there was a healing system that existed that did not leave one feeling depleted, he also wished to understand how Jesus and the Buddha performed such miraculous healings. Thus inspired he dedicated himself to devotional practice and trained intensely.
After much searching he found detailed information, that had been written down by some unknown disciples of the Buddha, on how the Buddha was able to give healing. The information contained the formula, the symbols and a description of how the Buddha healed but that was not enough as he still did not have the power to heal.
Eventually he asked his Zen Master what he should be doing. Apparently his master told him to ‘die one time’, which he took to mean that he should perform Zazen Shikan Taza, the Lotus Repentance Meditation, until he either died or achieved enlightenment. So he went to the temple on Mt Kurama to take a 21 day retreat to fast and meditate. On the very last day he saw an intense white light in the sky coming towards him and sensed that at long last this was the healing energy for which he had been searching. He realised instinctively that he would have to surrender himself to the light in order to receive and understand this energy fully, but knew that he was taking a risk as this white energy was so strong he might die. As the white, light energy struck him it rendered him unconscious. From this state of unconsciousness he saw symbols shining with light, these were the very same ones that he had found before. For each symbol he was given a meaning and shown how to use them. Having surrendered to the light he found that he was attuned to the wisdom and power of Reiki plus he had gained a miraculous healing ability.
He called this whole experience Reiki Ryoho (Reiki healing method). He then went on to share this gift by practicing and teaching Reiki.During his life time he treated many people, taught and initiated around 2,000 into Reiki. Between 20 and 30 of these 2,000 were given the second and higher Master initiations so that they could teach and attune people themselves.Reiki was brought to the West by Mrs. Hawayo Takata after she had received healing at the Shina No Machi Reiki hospital and was later attuned to Reiki up to the level of Master/teacher by the founder of the hospital, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, who had been attuned to Reiki in 1925 by Dr Usui.
Reiki has it’s origin in ancient Sanskrit sutras which were practiced by Tibetan monks over 2,500 years ago. Reiki was re-discovered by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s and the following is the essence of how he came to discover it again.Dr Usui studied Kiko (the Japanese version of Qi Gong) at a young age whilst at a Tendai Buddhist temple on sacred Mt. Kurama. When one is using the kiko method of healing, one is prone to depletion as it can draw on personal energy as well as universal life force energy. Dr Usui wondered if there was a healing system that existed that did not leave one feeling depleted, he also wished to understand how Jesus and the Buddha performed such miraculous healings. Thus inspired he dedicated himself to devotional practice and trained intensely.
After much searching he found detailed information, that had been written down by some unknown disciples of the Buddha, on how the Buddha was able to give healing. The information contained the formula, the symbols and a description of how the Buddha healed but that was not enough as he still did not have the power to heal.
Eventually he asked his Zen Master what he should be doing. Apparently his master told him to ‘die one time’, which he took to mean that he should perform Zazen Shikan Taza, the Lotus Repentance Meditation, until he either died or achieved enlightenment. So he went to the temple on Mt Kurama to take a 21 day retreat to fast and meditate. On the very last day he saw an intense white light in the sky coming towards him and sensed that at long last this was the healing energy for which he had been searching. He realised instinctively that he would have to surrender himself to the light in order to receive and understand this energy fully, but knew that he was taking a risk as this white energy was so strong he might die. As the white, light energy struck him it rendered him unconscious. From this state of unconsciousness he saw symbols shining with light, these were the very same ones that he had found before. For each symbol he was given a meaning and shown how to use them. Having surrendered to the light he found that he was attuned to the wisdom and power of Reiki plus he had gained a miraculous healing ability.
He called this whole experience Reiki Ryoho (Reiki healing method). He then went on to share this gift by practicing and teaching Reiki.During his life time he treated many people, taught and initiated around 2,000 into Reiki. Between 20 and 30 of these 2,000 were given the second and higher Master initiations so that they could teach and attune people themselves.Reiki was brought to the West by Mrs. Hawayo Takata after she had received healing at the Shina No Machi Reiki hospital and was later attuned to Reiki up to the level of Master/teacher by the founder of the hospital, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, who had been attuned to Reiki in 1925 by Dr Usui.